As we approach the November elections, it’s crucial for every citizen to recognize the importance of staying informed and vigilant. Local elections, particularly those involving positions like County Commissioner, have a direct impact on our community’s future. With the challenges our town has faced under the current leadership, including issues surrounding Commissioner John West, Herman Baertschiger, and Andreas Blech, guided by compromised counsel from Wally Hicks, many are questioning the direction of our county.
It’s essential that we do not allow our community to be treated as a personal playground by those in power. Candidates like Chris Barnett, who has received support from figures such as former Commissioner Simon Hare and current Commissioner John West, could continue the current trend of governance that many find troubling.
However, it’s not enough to simply rely on what you read in one source, including this newspaper. We strongly encourage you to conduct your own research. Reach out to other local papers, ask questions, attend debates and forums, gather a comprehensive view of the candidates and their platforms. By being diligent and seeking the truth, we can ensure that the right individuals are elected to lead our community.
Remember, your vote matters, and it’s through informed voting that we can bring about the change we desire. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let your voice be heard this November.