In a devastating incident, a National Guard helicopter crashed near the southern border in Texas, resulting in multiple fatalities, including three soldiers and a Border Patrol agent. The tragic incident unfolded in La Grulla, a border town situated near the Rio Grande in Starr County.
Law enforcement sources, providing insights into the incident, revealed that the three National Guard soldiers were on duty under federal orders, serving the Department of Homeland Security at the time of the crash.
The ill-fated helicopter was identified as a “Lakota,” part of the New York National Guard fleet. The crash raises questions about the circumstances leading to the accident, as authorities are likely to initiate a thorough investigation to ascertain the cause and sequence of events.
This heart-wrenching event serves as a somber reminder of the risks and sacrifices made by those serving in critical roles to ensure the safety and security of the nation. As details continue to emerge, our thoughts are with the families and colleagues affected by this tragic loss. The investigation into the incident will undoubtedly shed light on the circumstances surrounding the crash, providing clarity in the wake of this distressing event.