On August 2, 2024, a diverse and concerned group of citizens gathered at the Josephine County Courthouse to witness an important moment in our local democracy: Commissioner Lily Morgan filed a petition to recall Commissioner West. The crowd, composed of Republicans, Independents, and Democrats alike, shared a common sentiment—disappointment and frustration with the current leadership.
The widespread dissatisfaction with Commissioner West’s performance in office has united people across political lines. Many in our community are tired of the malfeasance and self-serving behavior that has marked his tenure. It is clear that change is needed, and this recall effort represents an opportunity for the people of Josephine County to take action.
However, recalling an elected official is no easy task. The committee spearheading this effort faces the challenge of collecting nearly 7,000 signatures to bring this issue to a vote. This is a significant undertaking, but it is achievable with the support and involvement of the community. For those who are fed up with the current state of affairs, now is the time to get involved—whether by petitioning, signing, or ultimately voting in the recall election.
This publication has previously highlighted many of Commissioner West’s questionable actions and decisions while in office. However, it is likely that what we know publicly is only a fraction of the larger issue. There is a strong sense that the extent of his self-serving conduct goes much deeper than what has been exposed so far.
It is crucial that the people of Josephine County come together to demand accountability and integrity from our elected officials. The recall effort offers a pathway to make our voices heard and to ensure that our local government truly represents the interests of the community.
I urge my fellow citizens to support this recall effort, to participate actively in the process, and to vote for the change that our county so desperately needs.
Brady Keister, Grants Pass