Renowned as one of the most prominent conservative journalists in the United States, Tucker Carlson has expanded his reach significantly following his departure from Fox News. His recent interviews have garnered immense attention, with each episode amassing over a hundred million views.
However, Carlson’s latest interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin has ignited discussions and debates among Americans. According to the BBC, American journalist Tucker Carlson secured an exclusive interview with President Putin, marking the first such interaction since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.
Aired last Thursday, this interview catapults Carlson back into the limelight. Formerly a top-rated host on a US network, Carlson now operates independently. His departure from Fox News was marked by controversies, including a substantial $787 million settlement over false election claims. The upcoming interview promises to be a focal point, attracting widespread attention and scrutiny in the wake of recent geopolitical developments.